Wild Cats In Southern Florida

Posted on November 5 2017 by Michael Broad.
Wild cats in southern florida. Anecdotally you will hear about sightings of jaguarundi in Florida from time to time. Floridas Forgotten Felines Inc. A single individual free-ranging cat may kill 100 or more birds and mammals per year.
We feed and care for these cats in their colonies and at their colony locations. Contact us about feral cat control services. Mostly only in northern states along the Canadian border or in mountainous regions.
Canadian Lynx Lynx canadensis Looks like. The Florida bobcat is about twice as big as a domestic cat and is easy to identify thanks to its short bobbed tail. Dixie Highway North Miami Beach FL 33160 CATS.
These animals are not picky. A South American cat called a Jaguarondi is a darker colored cat that some people believe may have small populations in Florida. Florida panthers are an endangered species less than 100 are believed to exist in the wild.
The Florida Panther Felis concolor coryi is found primarily in southern Florida in the Everglades and Big Cypress Swamp. Primarily found in southwestern Canada the western US and almost all of Mexico and Central and South America. The bobcat which is one of two predatory big cats found in Florida is the most abundant wildcat in the United States.
South Florida kitty feline rescue adoption. Domestic cats are not a part of Floridas natural ecosystem. The bobcat still has a wide distribution on the USA despite the expanding activities of people.