Warrior Cats Wiki Squirrelflight

Lionpaw Jaypaw and Hollypaw realize that they are kin to these three new ShadowClan kits.
Warrior cats wiki squirrelflight. Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight are mates. Jayfeather is a small thin silky mottled gray tabby tom with blind brilliant clear blue eyes a short slender tail skinny shoulders strong lean muscles and a scar running down one side. This was because Tigerclaw Tigerstar was hinting that he was working for ShadowClan even.
At the Gathering Blackstar proudly announces the birth of the three kits. LOOK BACK ON LIFE CHOICES LEAFYDROP looks back on her life choices sees that if she fought Crowfeather Jayfeather Lionblaze and Hollyleaf would not be born and would not ruin her life so she violently stabs LIONISAFAKER101 to death. He has short thick fur and a torn ear.
Warrior cats Smoof in. She was born as Squirrelkit to Firestar and Sandstorm alongside Leafkit. Ashfur is a dark gray tom with darker flecks and dark blue eyes.
Remember that this story is non-canon. It is said that one of Ashkits unnamed siblings died and Brindleface loves Fernkit Ashkit and their other unnamed sibling more fiercely. It is said that Ashkit and his sister Frenkit are Brindleface children.
The Sight Jaykit Hollykit and Lionkit are raised by Squirrelflight and Bramblestar. This page contains the opinions of the original author s and is not patrolled for factual accuracy. This page contains a fan fiction written by MosswiskerStealthfire.
They got in a fight and briefly broke up. He sends Squirrelflight Brambleclaw Hollypaw Jaypaw Lionpaw Brook and Stormfur. Squirrelflight declares that she and Bramblestar are proud of Sparkpaw and him and licks them around the ears adding that shes sure theyll become great warriors.