Warrior Cats Firestar Fanfiction

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Warrior cats firestar fanfiction. Add to library. Lionblaze was still pounding into Cinderheart as he was the only tom who didnt finish yet. The birds flapped their wings wildly in the sky.
Fireheart searched Longtails face for an expression of disdain as he looked down at Swiftpaw. All of a sudden a handsome ginger tom walked in and a smile appeared on the tortoiseshells face. LETS BEAT SOME OP CATS Better.
Follow Sparklepaw on her advent. Firestar was a leader of ThunderClan in the forest and the lake territories and prophesied as the fire to save ThunderClan He was born to Jake and Nutmeg and lived as a kittypet named Rusty. 1 moon after Firestars death he is sent back to the forest by StarClan.
He joined ThunderClan as an apprentice receiving the name of Firepaw and was mentored by Lionheart and Tigerclaw before being assigned. He didnt know who it was at first but then relised it was his mate Sandstorm. I do quizzes about the series time by time.
Browse through and read firestar and sandstorm fanfiction stories and books. Scourge And Hollyleaf Warrior Cat Love Stories Request Closed. Firestar shot up awake.
Firestar is a litheTemplateR battle-scarredTemplateR ginger tomTemplateR with a flame-colored peltTemplateR brilliantTemplateR emerald eyesTemplateR a lean strong shapeTemplateR a thick coatTemplateR a pale orange bellyTemplateR powerful shoulders longTemplateR thorn-sharp clawsTemplateR soft black pads a long scar on his flank and a torn ear. At the barn he gives out orders to set up a camp and hunt. Most cats were sharing tongues while the leader rested in his den quietly.