Red Book Animals In Sri Lanka

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Red book animals in sri lanka. The 2007 red list of threatened fauna and flora of Sri Lanka. Looking for Pets for sale in Sri Lanka lansulk is the largest online Pets marketplace in Sri Lanka and you will Find a best deals in Sri Lanka or search all around Sri Lanka. Sri Lankan National Animals Red List Book.
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Download Full PDF Package. This Species Conservation Unit will provide necessary inputs to the decision makers and all others seeking information on flora and fauna. The National Red List of Sri Lanka 2012.
True to its name coloring book 3. 2 1937 and its subsequent amendments. IUCN started operating in the country in 1988 with the establishment of the Country Office in Colombo under a Memorandum of Agreement signed with the Ministry of Land and Land Development.
However fossil evidence of large archaic species of rhinoceroses hippopotamuses and lions have been discovered. COLOMBO News 1st. According to the National Red List of Sri Lanka the Indian Pangolin is listed as Near Threatened NT Weerakoon 2012.
Number of terrestrial mammals that have been recorded from the country is 91. Facts about endemic and non endemic animal species in Sri Lanka including the Asian Elephants sloth bear. The Ministry of Environment yesterday 31 announced it has completed preparing the latest edition of the Red Data Book on endangered trees and endangered species in Sri Lanka.