Orange Cat Names From Movies

Toulouse The Aristocats Aristocats names.
Orange cat names from movies. Of course if you cannot work out what character your orange cat has you can use some of the funny cat names or atypical ginger cat names like Orange Juice Carrot Tabasco or Ginger. Though technically a tiger the name Tigger has become one of the most famous orange cat names and one of the most well known cat names from Disney movies. The movie became a surprise success in the late 80s.
LunaLuna Lovegood Harry Potter movies OliverOliver Twist Oliver LilyLily Luna Potter Harry Potter movies. Loki The Avengers series. You can name your gray cat Graymalkin after the cat Shakespeare named though Wolfie and Smokey are good stand-bys.
A funny and relaxed name for a feline. Nature-Inspired Cat Names For Orange Tabbies Based on Flowers Animals etc. Have many great adventures with your own striped tiger when you name your orange cat.
A World of Our Own. A Mix of Human and Pet Names. Orange hair is synonymous with Celts and particularly the Irish therefore a great name for an orange cat might be Flynn or Rory.
The Patsy Award is given out by the American Humane Associations Hollywood branch and stands for Picture Animal Top Star of the Year. Orangey the Cat is the only feline double-winner of the Patsy Award the animal kingdoms equivalent of the Oscar. Garnet Garnet comes from the dark red gemstone would make a perfect orange cat name for a sophisticated and well-mannered cat whose hobbies are sleeping and eating.
Popular Movie Cat Names from Rover Users. Spread the fuzzy friskiness with cat-like reflexes. These are the top 20 most popular cat names in Rovers extensive cat name database.