Farm Animals List In Spanish

La vaca La vaca produce leche para alimentar a sus terneros.
Farm animals list in spanish. There are particularly interesting bull farms. List of Farm Animals Farm Animals List. Farm Animals in Spanish is a booklet that focuses on the names of farm animals and the phrase I like in Spanish.
Put the flashcards on the floor. A preschool lesson on farm animals in Spanish through comprehensible input. Farm Animals Animales de granja English Inglés Spanish Español Spanunciation Bull Toro búol Cow Vaca káu Chicken Pollo chéken Chick Pollito chek Donkey Burro dánki Goat Cabra góut Horse Caballo jors Pig Cerdo peg Rabbit Conejo rébet Sheep.
Águila eagle toro bull perro dog or gato cat are some of the names in Spanish of the animals that are living on Earth. Araña spider aranha. Lah OH-kah the goose.
Farm animals in Spanish vocabulary list with audio text video. There are a few native animals to Spain including the Black Iberian Pig where the expensive pata negra serrano ham comes from not to mention the Toro Bravo the fighting bull. Abeja bee abelha.
Dog perro protection. For example when referring to a group of dogs a Spanish speaker will say los perros masculine regardless of whether most dogs in that group are males or females. Duck pato food.
When describing a group of turtles Spanish prefers las tortugas feminine before los tortugos masculine. Domestic meat production failed to meet demand making Spain a net importer of farm animals and meat products. 10 pages of farm animals with a pronunciation guide for your students 4 worksheets to reinforce the names of.