Cat Breed With Folded Down Ears

Hello my cat seems to be folding his ear down and keeps shaking his head because of an itch.
Cat breed with folded down ears. Scottish Folds are well-known for having forward-facing folded-down ears. This breed of cat was named Scottish Folded in the year 1966. There are self-coloured Scottish Folds that are white blue red black and cream.
This white female cat with the folded ears was named Susie. It is best not to breed a heterozygous Scottish fold with a Scottish fold that had straight ears but. It had unique folded-down ears.
The Hemingway Fold is an unrecognised variety of fold-eared cat with extra toes. This folding occurs in three levels like an accordion. This backwards flattening of the ears of non-Scottish Folds transmits to other cats that they are in fight mode and that the other cat should take heed and beware.
CategoryCat breeds and types with bent ears. This is a relatively rare breed of cat that requires plenty of attention. When Scottish Fold kittens are born they have normal ears and it takes about 2-3 weeks before they start to fold.
The breed has a natural gene mutation that affects the ears cartilage causing it to fold forward. The British shorthair breeders named William and Mary Rose recognized this cat as a new breed. There are 4 cat breeds that do have folded ears.
They stay folded even when the cat is an adult. Sporting round heads with tight forward facing folded ears and large eyes Scottish folds always draw a lot of attention. Even with its folded ears there are no special diseases or hearing problems with the Scottish Fold.