Black Cat Superstition Facts

Normans and Germanic people believed that like the black raven a black cat was a sign that a death would soon occur.
Black cat superstition facts. They thought that if a black cat crossed your path it was bad luck. Actually the superstitions about black cats being bad luck came from the christians trying to discredit the pagans in Europe. Here are list of superstitions about black cats in Europe.
Here are some of the effects that black cat myths have had on people. Since they are nocturnal and black they became affiliated with evil. In reality many cultures have different beliefs about black cats.
Much to the chagrin of cat lovers this superstition is also found worldwide. Facts About Black Cat Superstitions. The facts and folklore behind Black Cat superstitions.
The feline would be deemed a witchs familiar and the owner accused of witchcraft. A black cat who curls on your porch is thought to bring you prosperity. Its most likely based on Scottish wildcats or a hybrid of these and domestic cats.
The 1233 document Vox in Rama which translates as To Deal With the Topic of Devil Worship Pope Gregory XI claimed that Satan could take the form of a black cat when walking the earth. The pagans believe that the Goddess Hecate could transfigure into the form of a black cat. The black cat superstition takes many forms but at its most basic it boils down to this.
The most interesting superstition about black cat is that it is good to have one black cat in the house. Black cats are bad luck. During the Middle Ages bad black cat superstitions took hold.